© All-Russian National Academy of Mycology, 2001
© A. Sergeev, 1999-2001

  Frequently asked questions

On these pages I will answer either questions that you, visitors, ask me or those I was asked while giving my lectures on SCIO.

  •  Why haven't you mentioned lateral
      and yellow streak onychomycosis
      as another key factor?

  • Yes, many authors indicate that lateral onychomycosis is a factor that makes onychomycosis difficult to treat. But since we count length of involvement instead of area, we take into account both lateral and "yellow streak" cases. If one takes area, not length, he may count a narrow streak approaching matrix area as 10% of involvement. But with SCIO it is counted as 100% of involvement.

  •   In your clinical form definition there are only 3 forms.
      But where is total distrophic form and
      where is endonyx form?

    Only 3 forms correlate with the root of entry of fungus into the nail. This can be either subungual (distal or proximal), or superficial. We count endonyx form as distal (as it really is), and total as distal with total involvement.

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